Pvc Product Formula Design

Factory site for making plastic pellets

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In 2022, our customers will know us through the introduction of the machine equipment factory. This customer is from the Middle East and previously imported PVC particles from other countries to make wires and cables. Nowadays, customers are ready to buy machines to make PVC granules by themselves.
After purchasing the machine, the customer inquired whether the machine company could provide formula services. The machine company recommended TUWE engineers to solve the customer’s questions 1v1. TUWE engineers produce PVC particles in factories in China for customers to test based on the material properties of the PVC particles currently purchased by customers. At the same time, they provide customers with raw materials for machine testing before the machines are exported, and use customer machines to produce rubber particles of the same quality for customers.
At the customer’s invitation, TUWE engineers go to the customer’s country to provide technical personnel with production guidance training to meet the customer’s local production needs. At the same time, TUWE allows customers to save 20% of costs while maintaining consistent quality.
To this day, TUWE engineers still provide customers with remote technical guidance and formula customization services.

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